Renate Porstendorfer color photographs Pictures of light and presentiment
Cycle of abstract colorprints

Cycle of abstract colorprints

onclick abstract photos onclick abstract photos onclick abstract photos
onclick abstract photos onclick abstract photos onclick abstract photos

What is interesting is not so much the close-up as an advance into the world of smallness, but the close-up as a new perspective which leaves far behind the world of realism to let emerge new spaces in the fantasy. What sets this method apart from others is the strong inherent order in the photographic picture, which is by no means comparable to the perception by the mere eye. The real picture disappears in a flood of light-figures and sceneries which claim their own space - only the medium photography can bring them to life.

A major part of these works formed the core of "STYX", a piece for projection on four screens in panorama (260 colour slides all together) with electro-acoustic music by Günther Rabl.


Blow-ups for exhibitions